Bulkley Valley Sustainable Resource Management Plan (SRMP)

The Bulkley Valley Landscape Unit Plan presents objectives and strategies for the resource management within the Bulkley Valley portion of the Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan LRMP.

Summer Recreation Access Management Plan (RAMP)

The Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board has completed the Summer Recreation Access Management Plan for the Bulkley Valley. We plan to start the Winter Recreation Access Management in the next year or two.

Bulkley Valley Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP)

The Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan is a sub-regional land use plan covering approximately 760,000 hectares of north central BC.

Directors Wanted

Meeting once monthly to discuss a wide range of issues around land use and common ground.

WHMA Reinstatement

While the Province debates about reinstatement, valuable areas defined by our community and agreed to by the Province are disappearing and fast.

Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board

Working toward sustainable land-use in the Bulkley Valley

The Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board (BVCRB) is a collection of local citizens with a range of value perspectives who guide local land-use decisions. It was first established in 1991 to complete the Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP), widely regarded as one of British Columbia’s most successful land-use plans. Today, the Board continues to play an important role in determining the future of land use in the Bulkley Valley.

Next Meeting - September 16, 2024 Smithers Council Chambers 7pm

The BVCRB still recruiting new Directors if you quad, snowmobile, hike, ski, bike, hunt, range cattle, log, are a traditional land steward or have a penchant for ecology, biology or conservation, contact us: info@bvcrb.ca.

Please note the E-NEWSLETTER Subscription Service is not currently available.

Current Discussions

Ms. Lori Halls, Deputy Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship

No response from Ms Halls despite community members detailing 13 specific points of disagreement with her regarding her Ministry misquoting the SRMP section 3.2.1. "..years of resources, consultation and effort go into projects and processes, which are not implemented. The solution has been to start another process or delay for more research.  Without understanding and incorporating lessons learned from past, we just diminish opportunities." Director, BVCRB

Conservation Land Cancellations Inquiry Skeena Region Wide

Together the BVCRB, the Skeena Wild Conservation Trust, the Bulkley Valley Stewardship Coalition, the Kalum Plan Implementation Committee and Wildlife for Tomorrow call for an interim development moratorium on these lands. This Ministry in non responsive. The bulk of the cancellations took place in 2019 and 2020 and development of these lands continues. These WHMAs, although cancelled from the Land Act without consultation, are still legally established via the yr. 2000 Higher Level Plan that was carried forward under the 2006 Objectives Set by Government. Legally, they still are "nonadministered" conservation lands and remain under the authority of the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship (WLRS). See the June minute postings for more information.

The Health and Quality of Old Growth

What does the Province of BC define as old growth? The presence of large life, dead trees, large woody debris? Old growth doesn’t necessarily rely on tree age, other characteristics should be respected. You can't manage old growth stand by stand. Spreadsheet tables can’t tell us the quality or health of a forest. We need a spatial plan on how to retain old growth forests. An updated State of the Forests report would also help.
Finally how do we retain old growth in the face of wildfire abatement? Where and when will the Province be able to provide clarity on these questions.

Farming with Context, Farming with What Fits in the Valley

We hear how local farmers and cattlemen are changing their operations to improve soil water retention, species diversification, predator and prey relationships, soil health and grazing outcomes. Check out our May 2023 minutes to see a summary. Challenges with grazing on Crown Land include poor Provincial long term planning and monitoring.

WHMA and Fish & Wildlife Reserve Cancellations

We have been discussing, corresponding, hearing presentations and inviting comments from the Province on this topic dating back to 2020 when it first become known the BC Crown Land Reserve Review Project undertook to reclassify these lands. Now despite historical record and community agreement with the Province, we see development happening on these lands. Len Vanderstar generously gives his time fighting for reinstatements. We have other letters of support coming in from the community. Contact your MPP to demand action.

Wildfire Risk versus Hazard

The difference is key: there is little community risk of wildfire from the Community Forest lands but yes there is hazard to the recreational users and facilities in and near the Community Forest. Pushing fire abatement as a hazard reduction strategy puts undo pressure on logging and mitigation strategies. This results in the forfeit of previously agreed to land use plans protecting common conservation, recreational, heritage and other values.

The Old Growth Deferral Strategy and it’s impact on the Bulkley LRMP

This topic dates back to the Nov. 15, 2021 meeting.

 The strategy concerns the ‘irrevocable loss of old growth’ and the Province’s attempt to address long time recovery systems. The Province has identified proper rights holders as key players in the protection of old growth stands. Holders are tasked with detecting risk to old growth stands and managing forestry operations based on their values. There is no provision for joint consultation with the BVCRB board or independent foresters or other loggers to discuss protection of the values already established in the LRMP. The board frequently discusses the definitions and protection of Old Growth and provides balanced community level feedback on contentious issues.

Seymour Ridge Trail

This topic also dates back to the fall of 2021.

Some members of the board are opposed to the method of fuel management prescribed for the CORE. Logs and timber on the ground are already full of moisture and decay. Having suggested alternative fuel management strategies the board cannot get consensus on the propsed fuel management prescription for the Ridge. Issues:

  • fire abatement
  • visualizing timber harvest and retention amounts
  • other places with similar problems and solutions
  • perpetual harvesting strategies
  • specialized logging equipment and compact machinery

Wood Pellets = Green Energy?

It would be useful for the CRB to have a discussion around the future of pellets in the TSA. Pressure to provide pellets for international exports affects forest level planning.  Part Hemlock stands in the TSA are identified as pulp stands and Hemlock Types comprise a lot of Old Growth. Logging for chips is historical record. Logging these types of trees for pellets seems just around the corner. This could negatively impact all sorts of community values.

Tyee Mountain Ski Trails

Special agricultural, recreational and wildlife management zones are erased from the public record. These lands are protected under the Lands Act. Check our minutes for discussions on impact and efforts to reinstate these designations.