
Since the 1960's there have been concerns about the decreasing number of animals in the Telkwa caribou herd. A Voluntary Recreation Access Management Plan which specifed both motorized and non-motorized access into the area was established in the late 1990's, to assist with reducing pressure on the herd. The population continued to decline and so more management efforts to conserve it are required. In early 2016 a Wildlife Habitat Area was approved for the Telkwa Mountains.  As part of the conservation plan the Telkwa Mountains Recreation Access Management Advisory Group is updating and formalizing the access management plan. The BVCRB supports and encourages this work. The Board is sponsoring this on-line space as a central collection point for documents and maps related to the process, in order to make this information widely available to Board members, TRAM representatives, and the community.

Presentations to the Board:

March 2022: Exploring “10% LRMP Re-Balance” Volume Offsets for Telkwa Caribou WHA Implementation by guest Glen Buhr, RPF, Stewardship Officer, Ministry of Forests, Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District

Old Growth / Caribou
Link to an Old Growth site:  https://engage.gov.bc.ca/oldgrowth/

Report Link (though attached) https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/563/2020/09/What-We-Heard-20200429_FINAL-edit_online.pdf

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