How did the RAMP process come about?
The citizen-based Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) was completed for the Bulkley Valley in 1997. The LRMP delineated zones for resource use, including some recreation areas. A RAMP process started under the LRMP, but was never completed.

What areas does this access management plan cover? 
The plan is for the Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA), which covers approximately 736,000 hectares, including Smithers, Telkwa, Moricetown, and Fort Babine.

What will this mean for local recreation? 
Having an access management plan will define public areas surrounding the Bulkley Valley, allowing the community to better promote its recreational opportunities to visitors and maintain these areas for specific use over the long-term. It will also promote collaboration and reduce conflict between different user groups.

How unique is the RAMP process?
This process is very unique, with the Bulkley Valley being the first community-led RAMP undertaken in B.C. The province led a RAMP process in Vanderhoof as part of its Land and Resource Management Plan in 2008. In the southeast, recreation access management plans were completed for the Cranbrook, Golden, Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford areas. For more information about the Kootenay Region Recreation Access Plans, visit www.recplans.gov.bc.ca.

Why does the RAMP process only look at summer use?
While the current plan focuses solely on recreational summer use, the BVCRB plans to undertake a winter recreation access management plan once the summer plan is completed, funding dependant.

How can the public get involved?
The process has been designed to ensure that a cross-section of the public is represented on the planning Table. Public input is viewed as essential to the process. Opportunities for public involvement are built into the process as follows:

1. Table member consultations with constituents: At each meeting Table members are asked to consult with their club members or, in the case of representatives of the public at large, their circle of recreation contacts, and report back to the table on the results of these consultations, which are then taken into consideration.

2. Contacting Table members by email:
Four members of the Table are tasked with representing the public at large. They are available for contact by email at www.bvcrb.ca/ramp/table_members/ and then clicking on the particular representative’s name that is to be contacted.

As well, the BVCRB Recreation Subcommittee can be reached at www.bvcrb.ca/ramp/crb_recreation_subcommittee/. Subcommittee members are not part of the consensus decision but can be approached with questions or input of a more generic nature.

3. Written input: 
Submissions by mail are welcome and may be mailed to the RAMP Table, c/o of the BVCRB at the above address.

4. Public meetings: 
A public open house will be held once there is a first draft of the plan, probably in early February. Notice of this meeting will be posted on the website and through local media outlets. Additional open houses will be scheduled as needed.

Finally, there will be provision in the plan for periodic review and evolution as better information becomes available and as use patterns evolve.

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